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Fasa Renegade Legion Pdf 4,1/5 6536 reviews

Renegade Legion: Interceptor - The Fire Eagles FASA. The fire Eagles is an expansion for the Renegade Legion Interceptor game published by Fasa in 1987. An armored warfare battle game based on the Renegade Legion series from FASA from the Battletech (1st ed) era. Game play bears some similarity to.

Renegade Legion Resources This is a site I created during the course of PBEM campaign. Several of the regular posters on the Renegade Legion mailing list were involved, taking on the role of both Commonwealth and TOG Admirals or Generals.


My own command was the 7th Commonwealth Fleet assigned to Rift county theatre of operations. Unfortunately the campaign was unfinished but it still provides a lot of details for anyone wanting to create an RL game in Rift or Yoventrov counties. These PDF files are provided for those of you who have need backups of your supplements but cannot obtain a second original copy as the game is now out of print. You'll find a version of the Centurion rules available from here. AN interesting gaming site overall too. Some RL images from various box covers and supplements. For Shannedam County (from the Shannedam County Source Book).

Fasa renegade legion pdf

Renegade Legion Pdf


This rule set allows you to play out Renegade Legon battles at the Manus and Cohort level. You maneouvre the individual centuries of each cohort on the map.